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This section of the PSI21 wiki will be used to provide links to useful resources for teaching and learning with primary sources.


Resources for Getting Started with the Library of Congress

Library of Congress Homepage Cheat Sheet A quick guide to the organization and resources found on the homepage
Toolkit for Finding Treasures in American Memory A list of suggestions for searching the American Memory Historical Collections from the Library of Congress
Recreating American Memory Materials for Off-line Use Instructions for preparing the various media formats found in American Memory for off-line use
How to Link and Bookmark in American Memory Instructions for finding the permanent URL for webpages in the American Memory collections
How to Use Primary Sources A quick start guide to using primary sources in the classroom
Why Use Primary Sources? An overview of the benefits of using primary sources in the classroom
Millions of Primary Sources - Tools for Teachers An overview of the resources available on the Library of Congress website

Primary Source Analysis Worksheets

National Archives

Written Document Analysis Worksheet

A guide for analyzing written documents such as newspapers, letters, reports, advertisements, etc.

Sound Recording Analysis Worksheet

A guide for analyzing sound recordings such as music, interviews, speeches, reports, court proceedings, etc.

Motion Picture Analysis Worksheet

A guide for analyzing motion pictures such as animated cartoons, documentary films, newsreels, etc.

Cartoon Analysis Worksheet

A guide for analyzing cartoons

Library of Congress

Poetry Analysis Worksheet A guide for analyzing poetry
Music Analysis Worksheet A guide for analyzing songs
Map Analysis A guide for analyzing maps

National History Day

Propaganda Analysis Worksheet A guide for analyzing posters, brochures, movies, songs, etc. for propoganda

21st Century Learning Resources

American Association of School Librarians

Standards for 21st Century Learning (download the pamphlet) "Standards for the 21st-Century Learner offer vision for teaching and learning to both guide and beckon our profession as education leaders. They will both shape the library program and serve as a tool for library media specialists to use to shape the learning of students in the school."

Standards for the 21st Century Learner in Action

(purchase the book)

"How are AASL's new learning standards, the Standards for the 21st-Century Learner, incorporated into the school library media program? This publication from AASL takes an in-depth look at the strands of the Standards for the 21st-Century Learner and the indicators within those strands. It also answers such critical questions as How do the strands—the skills, dispositions in action, responsibilities, and self-assessment strategies—relate to one another?" 

Partnership for 21st Century Skills (P21)

P21 Publications A list of Publications from P21 about integrating 21st century skills into education.
P21 Online Tools Links to various tools designed to assist educators integrate 21st century skills into education.

Inquiry Learning Resources

Inquiry Process A graphic of the Stripling Inquiry Model
Teaching Inquiry with Primary Sources A synopsis of the Stripling Inquiry Model and how it can be integrated with teaching with primary sources (written by Barbara Stripling)
Inquiry: Inquiring Minds Want to Know An article about inquiry-based learning from the School Library Media Activities Monthly 25, no. 1, September 2008 (written by Barbara Stripling)
Inquiry-Based Learning from Curriculum Connections Through the Library A chapter from the book Curriculum Connections through the Library (edited by Barbara Stripling and Sandra Hughes-Hassell)
Inquiry Deconstruction Tool  A graphical organizer for use with the inquiry process
Primary Source Analysis Tool A worksheet for documenting what you observe, reflect, and question while analyzing a primary source and what you would like to investigate further
RADCAB Steps for online information evaluation

Literacy Strategies

NCTE 21st Century Curriculum and Assessment Framework The National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) definition of 21st century literacies
The Frayer Model Map A graphical organizer designed by Dorothy Frayer that guides students to a deeper understanding of a word and how it relates to their lives.
PAS Reading Strategy  A pre-reading strategy that includes previewing the text, accessing prior knowledge, and setting a purpose for reading.



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