Resources for Getting Started with the Library of Congress
Library of Congress Homepage Cheat Sheet |
A quick guide to the organization and resources found on the homepage |
Toolkit for Finding Treasures in American Memory |
A list of suggestions for searching the American Memory Historical Collections from the Library of Congress |
Recreating American Memory Materials for Off-line Use |
Instructions for preparing the various media formats found in American Memory for off-line use |
How to Link and Bookmark in American Memory |
Instructions for finding the permanent URL for webpages in the American Memory collections |
How to Use Primary Sources |
A quick start guide to using primary sources in the classroom |
Why Use Primary Sources? |
An overview of the benefits of using primary sources in the classroom |
Millions of Primary Sources - Tools for Teachers |
An overview of the resources available on the Library of Congress website |
Primary Source Analysis Worksheets
Written Document Analysis Worksheet
A guide for analyzing written documents such as newspapers, letters, reports, advertisements, etc.
Sound Recording Analysis Worksheet
A guide for analyzing sound recordings such as music, interviews, speeches, reports, court proceedings, etc.
Motion Picture Analysis Worksheet
A guide for analyzing motion pictures such as animated cartoons, documentary films, newsreels, etc.
Cartoon Analysis Worksheet
A guide for analyzing cartoons
Poetry Analysis Worksheet |
A guide for analyzing poetry |
Music Analysis Worksheet |
A guide for analyzing songs |
Map Analysis |
A guide for analyzing maps |
Propaganda Analysis Worksheet |
A guide for analyzing posters, brochures, movies, songs, etc. for propoganda |
21st Century Learning Resources
Standards for 21st Century Learning (download the pamphlet) |
"Standards for the 21st-Century Learner offer vision for teaching and learning to both guide and beckon our profession as education leaders. They will both shape the library program and serve as a tool for library media specialists to use to shape the learning of students in the school." |
Standards for the 21st Century Learner in Action
(purchase the book)
"How are AASL's new learning standards, the Standards for the 21st-Century Learner, incorporated into the school library media program? This publication from AASL takes an in-depth look at the strands of the Standards for the 21st-Century Learner and the indicators within those strands. It also answers such critical questions as How do the strands—the skills, dispositions in action, responsibilities, and self-assessment strategies—relate to one another?" |
P21 Publications |
A list of Publications from P21 about integrating 21st century skills into education. |
P21 Online Tools |
Links to various tools designed to assist educators integrate 21st century skills into education. |
Inquiry Learning Resources
Inquiry Process |
A graphic of the Stripling Inquiry Model |
Teaching Inquiry with Primary Sources |
A synopsis of the Stripling Inquiry Model and how it can be integrated with teaching with primary sources (written by Barbara Stripling) |
Inquiry: Inquiring Minds Want to Know |
An article about inquiry-based learning from the School Library Media Activities Monthly 25, no. 1, September 2008 (written by Barbara Stripling) |
Inquiry-Based Learning from Curriculum Connections Through the Library |
A chapter from the book Curriculum Connections through the Library (edited by Barbara Stripling and Sandra Hughes-Hassell) |
Inquiry Deconstruction Tool |
A graphical organizer for use with the inquiry process |
Primary Source Analysis Tool |
A worksheet for documenting what you observe, reflect, and question while analyzing a primary source and what you would like to investigate further |
Steps for online information evaluation |
Literacy Strategies
NCTE 21st Century Curriculum and Assessment Framework |
The National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) definition of 21st century literacies |
The Frayer Model Map |
A graphical organizer designed by Dorothy Frayer that guides students to a deeper understanding of a word and how it relates to their lives. |
PAS Reading Strategy |
A pre-reading strategy that includes previewing the text, accessing prior knowledge, and setting a purpose for reading. |
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