
Professional Development Options

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Please see the calendar on the TPS-Colorado website for dates/times and locations of our professional development opportunities.

To register for a course, you must create an account at

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Who should attend?
Teaching with Primary Sources Level I
The Library of Congress is an amazing resource. Learn to navigate its breadth and organization to find what’s available, narrow your search to what’s applicable and access what you need in a format that’s usable. Level I not only demonstrates the value of primary sources in instruction and sample learning experiences, it also gives you the technological foundation to find relevant resources amid millions of digitized options.
Participants will:
  • Learn what primary sources are and understand their value in teaching.
  • Learn how to locate and navigate the Library of Congress Web site.
  • Learn how to access, save and present primary sources from the Library of Congress' Web site.
  • Gain a foundational understanding of effective instructional practices for teaching with primary sources.
  • Create instructionally sound learning experiences that integrate primary sources from the Library of Congress.
P-20 educators, librarians, media specialists, instructional coaches, administrators.

Upon completion of Level I , you earn:

  • Up to $150 in online funds for acquiring classroom-ready primary source material.
  • A USB flash drive with Library of Congress and TPS-Colorado materials for use in the classroom.
  • A Level I certificate of completion.
  • Optional graduate credit (additional work required).



Teaching with Primary Sources Level II
This course provides an opportunity for educators to work directly with a key scholar around a specific topic to experience and develop an historical inquiry using the steps of inquiry: connect, wonder, investigate, construct, express, and reflect.  By exploring the depth of Library of Congress primary source documents, letters, memoirs, pictures, videos and audio participants will discover facts and clues to help develop sound inquiry-based instructional activities. Participants will:
  • Gain a thorough understanding of effective instructional practices using primary sources and can identify exemplary learning experiences.
  • Learn to identify exemplary learning experiences.
  • Create standards-based learning experiences integrating primary sources from the Library of Congress that exemplify effective practice.
  • Teach, assess and reflect on their experiences using primary sources in instruction.
  • Evaluate primary source-based learning experiences.
  • Investigate the effects of primary source-based instruction on student learning.

Anyone who is interested in teaching with primary sources and learning more about the American Memory website.

Upon completion of Level II , you earn:


  • Up to $150 in online funds for acquiring classroom-ready primary source material.
  • A Level II certificate of completion.
  • Optional graduate credit (additional work required).




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