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last edited
by TPS-Colorado 9 years, 10 months ago
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Description |
From prezi.com:
"Prezi is zooming sketches on a digital napkin.
It's visualization and storytelling without slides. Your ideas live on stage and on the web.
Have you ever wondered about presenting your thoughts as free as they come? Ever got tired of creating a slideshow? It's been said, that the best innovations come from people who are unhappy with the tools they use. We realized that our ideas won't fit into slides anymore. Putting together creative thinking and technology expertise, we have created Prezi, a living presentation tool."
Account Types |
Process |
- Go to http://prezi.com.
- Sign up for a public (free) account.
- Use Prezi to create a presentation, mind map, or interactive viewer - use your imagination.
- Use the Share feature to collaborate with others.
- Show off you Prezi either online or offline using the Download feature.
Suggested Inquiry Activities
Have kids collaboarate to set up prezi tableaus together to build on their knowledge of a subject and answer key essiential questions. |
Select key primary sources |
What Teachers Like About Prezi
- It is a document magnifier and photo magnifier
- Allows for the creation of a timed presentation off of the sources referenced
- It is a non-linear presentation format
- Used as an individual or as a collaborator
- Alternative to the traditional powerpoint
Teacher Tips For Using the Tool
- Save often!
- Storyboard before you use the tool.
Common Core State Standards
Organizing and Managing
- 2.1.2 - Organize knowledge so that it is useful
- 2.1.4 - Use technology and other information tools to analyze and organize information
- 3.1.4 - Use technology and other information tools to organize and display knowledge and understanding in ways that others can view, use and assess
Content Collaboration
- 1.3.4 - Contribute to the exchange of ideas within a learning community
- 3.1.2 - Participate and collaborate as members of a social and intellectual network of learners
- 3.1.4 - Use technology and other information tools to organize and display knowledge and understanding in ways that others can view, use and assess
Media Sharing
- 2.1.4 - Use technology and other information tools to organize and display knowledge and understanding in ways that others can view, use and assess
- 3.3.4 - Create products that apply to authentic, real-world context
- 4.1.8 - Use creative and artistic formats to express personal learning
Primary Sources Example
Prezi was used both as a presentation tool (in lieu of MS PowerPoint), and as an interactive image viewer. When used as a presentation tool, Prezi creates a natural interface to present information, and interact with and analyze primacy sources. Prezi is also useful as an image viewer due to its ability to place a set of resources in front of an audience and allow them to explore them in an organic way. |
Getting Started
SlideBean |
The simplest way to create beautiful presentations. Focus on your content. Slidebean handles the rest.
present.io |
From the drop.io site: "Present.io (a beta service of drop.io) is simple private web-based realtime presentations. Present documents, video, photos, audio, and more to a scalable number of participants."
Google Presentations (part of Google Docs) |
From the Google Docs Getting Started Guide:
"With Google presentations, you can easily create, share, and edit online presentations. Here are some things you can do with Google presentations:
- Import presentations in .ppt and .pps file types and export your online ones.
- Insert images and videos, and format your slides as you want.
- Allow simultaneous real-time viewing of presentations, online, from remote locations.
- Publish and embed your presentations in a website for the world to view."
Zoho Show |
From Zoho.com: "The online tool for making powerful presentations. Whether you are a professional, a teacher, a student, a businessman, a salesman or anyone looking to put together a cool presentation, you have come to the right place. Zoho Show's pre-built themes, clipart and shapes coupled with features like drag-and-drop makes it an easy application to use."
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